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A new era for healthcare security — digital & physical

Our security portfolio includes a full suite of digital and physical solutions to help you address today’s key healthcare security challenges and risks including:

Address key security challenges and risks with trusted identities for healthcare
two doctors and nurse looking down at tablet

How do I protect patient data?

Protect the integrity and authenticity of patient data while also making it accessible to authorized users.

capitol building lit up at night

How do I meet compliance mandates?

Maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of electronic protected health information (ePHI) requires a number of security, administrative and technical precautions.

man and woman looking down at tablet

How do I secure my healthcare infrastructure?

Securing users, devices, apps, data, and connections can be achieved with the use of digital certificates that enable encryption, signing, and authentication, along with HSMs to keep keys safe.

doctors walking beside gurney

How do I enable my healthcare workforce?

Providing flexibility and meeting the need for constant security is a matter of life and death demanding the right balance of security and friction.

woman holding mug smiling down at laptop

How do I safeguard digital healthcare delivery and transactions?

Engaging patients remotely to deliver healthcare services requires digital identity verification, secure credential issuance, and authentication of healthcare transactions.

Doctor using a tablet

Learn to improve security levels, reduce human error, and cut costs

Download our white paper, Trusted Identities for the Healthcare Industry, for insights on how digital transformation initiatives can provide efficient patient care and privacy.