MX Series-419
Service recommendation is that that customers follow these steps when switching to the new ink.
- Update to the latest CI Patch containing changes for white ink, details of change:
- 10.4 patch 018
- 10.3 patch 026
- 6.15 patch tbc
- “Added a new stock number to the Drop On Demand Ink Stock DOD_WHITE. The white stock will now contain both 515520-005 and 515520-007 stock numbers.”
- When system indicates white ink is empty.
- Disable white ink channel.
- Run system empty primitive for the white ink channel including air flush of white channel.
- For Gen 1.0 and Gen 1.5, clean white bulk tank.
- Replace filters on white channel lines.
- Replace white bulk tank on Gen 1.0 and Gen 1.5 modules.
- Fill bulk tank on Gen 1.0 and Gen 1.5 modules.
- System fill white channel for all module types.
- Enable white ink channel.
- Run 2 purge cycles.