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Design, issue, and manage credentials anywhere, anytime

Entrust™ Instant ID software (formerly TruCredential) is a solution for creating, issuing, and managing secure ID cards and credentials, allowing organizations to meet a wide range of application requirements — from basic photo ID cards to high-assurance credentials.

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Easy to Use

Design ID cards anytime, anywhere with intuitive, drag-and-drop templates and workflows.

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Highly Configurable

Create custom design templates and workflows and unique user profiles.

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Out-of-the-Box Integration

Modular solutions can be added to existing systems to provide new technologies with minimal investment.

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Easy to Deploy

Install and license on a single server, then remotely deploy and manage users and data.

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Enhanced Features

Access pre-built smart card configurations and comprehensive reporting.

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Complete Solution

Engineered to integrate with Entrust printers, supplies, and support as well as third-party printers.

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Always Up to Date

Works with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows Server, MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, Active Directory Systems, and RESTful Web Services.


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Tech Specs

Do not install Entrust Instant ID software on a computer that also runs other Adaptive Issuance Suite software. Entrust Instant ID software uses a custom version of software to provide smart card personalization, and its components overwrite any components currently installed. As a result, the existing software installation no longer works. Remove software before installing Entrust Instant ID software. Earlier versions of Entrust Instant ID software used custom Syntera® Customization Suite (SCS) software components, which also must be removed.

Do not install Entrust Instant ID software on a computer that also runs Datacard® ID Works® identification software or Datacard® IDCentre™ software, if the two software applications connect to the same database table and columns.

Software Requirements

A system running Entrust Instant ID must meet the requirements described in this section.

Operating Systems

Entrust Instant ID software supports the following 64-bit operating systems with the latest service pack installed:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

Operating Systems for Mobile Enrollment

  • Android version 4.4 or newer
  • Apple iOS version 12.0 or newer
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11


  • Google Chrome version 78 or newer
  • Microsoft Edge version 42 or newer
  • Apple Safari version 11 or newer (iOS only)

For best results, maximize the browser window when using Entrust Instant ID software.


The internal H2 database is created when you install Entrust Instant ID software.

External databases that use one of the following database managers:

  • Microsoft Access 2010
  • Microsoft Access 2013
  • Oracle 11g R2, 12c, 19c
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  • IBM DB2 11.1
  • MySQL 5.7
  • MySQL 8.0

Refer to the online Help for information about how to connect Entrust Instant ID software workflows to database tables, and for database actions that are supported.

Hardware Requirements

  • A computer with a 64-bit processor
  • Minimum screen resolution of 1360 × 768
  • 1 GB of available computer hard drive space
  • 8 GB RAM minimum is required
  • An available software port (9800 is the default)


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